Entomology Advocacy Week 2024 is August 19-23! #EntVocate24
Many ESA members already engage in outreach activities throughout the year. Entomology Advocacy Week is a concentrated effort to target policymakers with science that matters so that evidence-based decision-making becomes the norm at all levels of government.
Get involved in Entomology Advocacy Week 2024!
- Sign up for our grassroots advocacy alerts!
- Monday, August 19 we'll be sending a letter to Congress, encouraging them to pass the Farm Bill with robust research support! Send your message now.
- Tuesday, August 20 is World Mosquito Day! We'll encourage Congress to support the new National Public Health Strategy to Prevent and Control Vector-Borne Diseases in People. Send your message now.
- Wednesday, August 21 is a great day to explain the importance of physical collections for entomology. Send your message now.
- Thursday, August 22 we'll let Congress know what new or emerging invasive species pose a threat to the state or district. Send your message now.
- Friday, August 23, join us for a webinar on what's happened in insect decline since the 2019 annual meeting symposium on the topic in St. Louis, and how you can use your data to help paint the bigger picture!
Other ways to get involved:
Review the Science Policy Webinar from Dr. Marianne Alleyne, which presented five ways that you can take action.
- Request a meeting with your Senator or Representative
- Write (or call) your lawmaker about an issue
- Write an op-ed for your local or national paper
- Get active on social media
- Build your brand - and your institution's
Also, be sure to read the papers in the special collection on scientists and science policy in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America.
Why the week of August 19-23?
In addition to basing priorities on our ESA Advocacy Priorities, we're tying into some great outreach events that are already scheduled, like
- World Humanitarian Day (August 19, 2024)
- National Honeybee Day (August 17, 2024)
- World Mosquito Day (August 20, 2024)
- Congressional Recess and Campaigns (All of August)
Resources on Advocacy:
- Three articles on Entomology Today about advocacy.
- Talking points and communication tips
- ESA FY2024 funding priorities
- Get Involved - more tools and resources
Sign Up for ESA Advocacy Alerts
Be an advocate for entomology! In 2022, ESA launched new issue-specific advocacy alerts, enabling ESA members to easily connect with legislators and offer timely subject-matter expertise. Sign up now to receive ESA science-policy action alerts.