
Did you know that by becoming a member of ESA you could save up to $550 on Entomology 2024 registration? It's true! The cost of joining ESA and registering as a member is significantly less than the cost of a non-member registration rate. Become an ESA member when you register today to unlock discounted registration rates and a TON of other member benefits!

Membership Type Late Registration Rate
(Starting September 17, 2024)
One Day Rate
Regular Member $705 $505
Student Member $395 $255
Student Transition Member $525 $365
Early Professional Member $525 $365
Emeritus Member $525 $365
Emeritus Gold Member $395 $255
Non-member $985 $785
Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) $705 $505
Least Developed Country (LCD)* $395 $255
Guest** $125 N/A













Registration Policies and Procedures

Tours and Ticketed Events

ESA Caregiver Grants

*Developing Country as defined by our partners at Oxford University Press.  These countries will be listed under the "Free Access Countries" list.

**Guests are defined as a spouse, significant other, or family member who is not a member of ESA and who may not have an interest in entomology but will attend purely to accompany a family member or friend. Professional colleagues must register independently.